Tuesday, May 8, 2012

pia's, philo tavern, les's, yacht club, central tap

and several other taverns i didn't get to this trip--this is an ongoing project. they look like the outside, and the inside looks like a story, can you imagine how many?

Monday, May 7, 2012


this was ida's. i detested ida's. it was so dark in there. ida's was dad's favorite spot to patronize. he went there so much they gave him a job. i was around 16-17.

big daddy's

this was big daddy's, i am pretty sure. it was the one time dad tried owning a place, before i was born or just around then. it's been bradley's forever, famous for teen night and exotic dancing.

the olive garden

"it's like family and friends / at the olive garden / we're wishing you a happy birthday!" we used to sing the olive garden birthday song at home, on our birthdays, as a joke. my dad and step-mom both worked here when i was around 15.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

cu sports connection

i guess i was 11-12-13 when my dad and step-mom worked at the CU sports connection. what i 
remember best is the wrestling ring in the middle, for bikini mud wrestling, and wet t-shirt contests.

elmer's 50s and 60s

this is where elmer's 50s and 60s bar was. i am -- almost certain. it's a walgreens now. i was 11 or so, when dad worked here.



bois de boulogne